This Month's Theme:
Not on my watch Flat Stanley

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pterodactyls vs. Babies by DJ Bardin

Diaper full, the run is long.

Over his shoulder the shadow of death begins his dive!

With the facial expression of anime drawn by an artist on a 12 RedBull high, he leaps for cover behind a rock.

Reaching for his bottle to quench his thirst he realizes the horror every baby fears.

The cylindrical holder, keeper of the breast nectar, has cracked on impact and is now dryer than a new Huggies.

Suddenly… directly overhead the enemy strikes!!

It’s talon barley misses his golden yellow Gerber curl.

How did I get here?

Last I remember I was laid in front of the TV watching land before time 62.

Now a Pterodactyl has decided I am to be his lunch!

That’s when it hits him.

This is a dream.

I will face my enemy and awaken to a warm bottle and the soft sound of my mommy singing to me.

He stands just as the Pterodactyl strikes again.

But this is not a dream.

Gripped by the head the baby is carried off.

And just before he is completely out of sight.

His neck is snapped like a twig.

And the baby Pterodactyl’s eat as there mommy sings them a song

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